Monday, January 17, 2011

Pigging out in Friuli (literally)

Well folks......the last few days have been spent in Friuli (over in the north-east...bordering Austria & Slovenia), staying with the relatives.

We've since put back on a bit of the weight we'd lost from all the walking around we'd done in Torino, Asti, Alba, Bologna, Modena & Verona.

The relatives have really taken a shine to Tania & the hospitality has been really great. We can’t thank everyone enough for everything they’ve done for us.

We’ve visited towns such as Udine (the former provincial capital); Cividale di Friuli, Aquileila (home of amazing early Christian mosaics), San Danielle del Friuli (famous for its prosciuttos), Grado & other little mountain towns in the area.

The last two days have been quite foggy & make “sightseeing” rather difficult (& dangerous to drive in....especially at night).

The culinary highlights in Friuli have been:

“Gubana” - a Friulani dessert, kinda like a Panetone but with alcohol in it (see below)

A degaustation of prosciutto at San Danielle (what better lunch can you think than a plate full of ham....mmmmmmm .
The seafood from around Grado (we spent four hours yesterday having a big seafood fry up)
The local wines (that don’t seem to give you hangovers the next morning)
Tomorrow...we’re off to Venice...can’t wait.


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